FICE Austria participated at the Youth Exchange week in Tribunj, Croatia
FICE Austria participated as a partner for the third consecutive year in the Youth Exchange project, led by Dutch organization Kinderperspectief in a framework of Erasmus + program. A group composed of 18 young people with a life in care experience, between the ages of 16 and 25 years, from Bosnia, Croatia, Netherlands, Austria and Serbia met for one week for the European youth exchange. The aim of the exchange was to present the youth with an opportunity to set their own life changing goals that will enable them to take control of their lives and be less dependent on the youth care system in the future. The Youth Exchange week took place on May 16 – 22 in Tribunj, Croatia. More information through Day and Week reports, written by the participants, could be found here: Day report YouthExchange and Week Report YouthExchange the Next Step May 2016 Tribunje