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Call for good practices to contribute to the OHCHR follow up report "Investment in the rights of the child" Deadline 2 October 2015

As an outcome of the annual full day discussion on the rights of the child of March 2015 and the OHCHR report on a better investment in the rights of the child (A/HRC/28/33), in its resolution 28/19 on "Towards better investment in the rights of the child" the Human Rights Council invited the High Commissioner to prepare a follow-up report on investment in the rights of the child, based on good practices and lessons learned to ensure sufficient, equitable and efficient public resource mobilization, budget allocation and spending to realize the rights of the child.

The role of states and good practices and lessons learnt in relation to public investment to realize the rights of the child will be the primary focus of the follow-up report. In addition, the report will include information about how other actors have practically supported investment in the rights of the child, including national human rights institutions, UN agencies, international financial institutions, civil society and children themselves. It should also include examples of successful collaboration between states, civil society and the private sector to ensure public investment in the rights of the child.

As a contribution to the OHCHR follow-up report, Eurochild is collecting good practices and lessons learnt at all levels (local, national, regional and international) of how states and non-states actors have ensured investment in the realization of the rights of the child, including measures to address barriers and bottlenecks, relevant tools, resources and guides.

The follow-up report should be structured along the same headings as the first OHCHR report on the theme, including topics related to generating revenue for the realization of children's rights, child-rights based budgeting and spending, accountability, transparency in the allocation and use of resources, participation of children in budgetary and fiscal processes, the role of the private sector and international assistance and cooperation.

Please send submissions by Friday 2 October 2015 to (

Submission should not exceed 1 page (and it should identify useful links, tools, resources and guides in different languages).

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