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Einladung: First Conference of FICE Kenya

FICE Austria möchte auf die folgende Konferenz von FICE Kenia hinweisen:

You are cordially invited to join us at the first conference of FICE-Kenya, a National Section of FICE-International whose main aim is to create networks across continents to support actions and all those working with at-risk- children, children with special needs and children/young people in out-of-home care. Join peers, thought leaders, and subject matter experts as together we discuss the issue of CULTURE AND CARE in the contemporary world.

The Guest Speaker will be Mag. Hermann Radler – CEO Therapeutic Gemeinschaften (Austria) and President FICE-Austria.

Key topics for the conference will be

  1. Professionalizing Child and Youth Care Work in Kenya

  2. Kenyan Child

  3. Role of County Government in Child and Youth Care work.

  4. Transforming Government services on Child and Youth Care Work.

  5. Dependency and Care.

The conference will be held on 9th and 10th April 2015 at NYAMASARIA Primary School off Kisumu-Nairobi road.

Your enthusiasm, participation and contribution to this important issue will be greatly appreciated as we seek to strengthen the expertise in the field of Child and Youth Care Work.

Please RSVP to

Simon Peter Otieno (Chairman)

Eunice Atieno Owino(Secretary)

Beth Akinyi Odingo(Treasurer)

We hope to see you there!

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FICE Austria

Hauptstraße 15

A-7341 M. St. Martin


Tel: +43 6642214320

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