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FICE Austria is a partner in the EU awarded project FORUM - FOR Unaccompanied Minors: transfer of knowledge for professionals to increase foster care. The project is funded in a framework of Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020, under the Call for Proposals EU REC-RCHI-PROF-AG-2016.



Leading organization: FADV - Fondazione L'Albero della Vita Onlus, Italy

Project partners in target countries: ACCEM (ES), Organization for Aid to Refugees - OPU (CZ), Family, Child, Youth Association - FCYA (H), FICE Austria (A) and Slovenska Filantropja (SLO). Advocacy and training of professionals are the core of their involvement.


Expert partners: CORAM (UK), Fondazione ISMU (It), EUROCHILD is an advocacy network of organizations who promote the well-being of children. Overall objective of the project: to develop UAM foster care services in Europe.


Specific objectives:

➢ to raise awareness of the key stakeholders about the benefits of foster care in alternative of reception centres for the care of UAM

➢ to develop training package and standards in line with EU best practices in the sector of UAM foster care services

➢ to provide fresh knowledge on UAM foster care to professionals of the project target countries with less experience.


1. Engagement of key stakeholders of civil society and European authorities to boost the development of UAM foster care. The highest moment of advocacy is the European conference

2. An interdisciplinary group of experts creates a high-quality training package (theoretical and practical) and sets out standards for UAM foster care.

3. Provision of capacity building to professionals in and drafting of pilot proposals for foster care service to be discussed with relevant stakeholders in target countries.


Expected results:

1. increased consensus, at political, institutional and civil society level, on the relevance of UAM foster care service development in country with less experience

2. national child protection systems are provided with training package, guidance document including standards for UAM foster care service development

3. professionals are empowered with a sound methodology in managing UAM foster care service

Start date: September 2017
Duration: 24 months

Roger Winandy
Project Manager

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FICE Austria

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